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Cover of Mercantilism


  • Published: 1935
  • DOI: 10.4324/9781315003993
  • Set ISBN: 9781315003993

Eli Heckscher’s Mercantilism is a classic work in the history of economic thought, economic history and international economics. A pioneer in both economic history and trade theory, Heckscher brought a unique breadth to this study. Covering all of the major European countries, the book explores the content and significance of mercantilist ideas over nearly two centuries.

Acknowledging the difficulties involved in defining mercantilism, Heckscher nonetheless succeeded in identifying a set of its key characteristics. Significantly these go beyond protectionism—although this is obviously an essential feature—and includes analysis of mercantilism as a system of power, as a monetary system, and as a conception of society.

Now available for the first time in many years, Mercantilism remains singularly relevant to a world preoccupied with maintaining its trading order. Heckscher’s full text, notes and supporting material are supplemented by a new introduction by Lars Magnusson which discusses the origin, content and impact of the book.

Set Contents

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Eli Heckscher and Mercantilism — an Introduction

MercantilismPrelims, Introduction, Mercantilism as a Unifying SystemThe Historical Background, The Disintegration of the Toll System and the Efforts to Overcome the Confusion: Introduction, England, Germany, France, The Struggle Against Local Disintegration in Other Spheres: Introduction, Weights and Measures, Coinage, Other Spheres, The Importance of the Change from Municipal to National Policy, The Internal Regulation of Industry in France: The Legal Victory of the State Over Particularism, The Gilds as the Principal Agent in the Regulation of Industry, The Contents of the Regulations. The RÈGlements, The Application of the System in Practice, The Fiscal Side of Industrial Policy, The Privileged Industry: Manufactures. French Results Compared with the English, Rural Industry, 18th-Century Attempts at Reform. The Position at the Outbreak of the Revolution, The Internal Regulation of Industry in England: Comparison With the Continent, Unified Regulation: Elizabeth’S Statute of Artificers and its Origins, The Gilds and Rural Industry, Justices of the Peace, Patentees and the Central Government, The Essence of the Economic Regulations, The Antagonism to Monopolies and the Common-Law Courts, The Decay of the Industrial Code, Foreign Trade and Business Organization: Introduction. National Unification, Medieval Development, Countries with State Enterprise, The Netherlands, England: The Regulated Companies, England: The Joint Stock Companies, England: Unification, England: Further Aspects of State Influence, The Executors of Mercantilism

View Volume 1 Contents

MercantilismMercantilism as a System of Power: Different Attitudes Towards Commodities, Methods of the Policy of Power, Mercantilism as a System of Protection: Different Attitudes Towards Commodities, Staple Policy: Introduction, Its Development, Connection with other Tendencies. the Treatment of “Merchant-Strangers”, The Policy of Provision: Its Formation and Development, Causes, Its Decline and the Transition to Protectionism, The Policy of Protection: Its Nature And its Connection With the Attempts to Create Employment, Historical Antecedents, Its Rise and Earliest History, The Attitude to the Factors of Production: Raw Materials and Labour, Mercantilism as a Monetary System: The Connection Between Monetary Policy and Commodity Policy, The Importance of the Precious Metals Outside the Mechanism of Exchange: Introduction, Identification of Wealth and Money, Disregard of Consumption, The Idea of Surplus, Money as Capital and Revenue, The Accumulation of Treasure, The Mechanism of Exchange: The Importance of Circulation. Natural and Money Economy, Scarcity of Money, The Quantity Theory. Rising Prices, Inflation. Paper Money Mercantilism, The Exchange Relationship With Other Countries: “Selling Cheap and Buying Dear”, The Foreign Exchanges, Prohibition of the Export of Silver and the Balance of Trade Theory, The Conventional Nature of Money, Appendix, Mercantilism as a Conception Of SocietyThe Concord Between Mercantilism And Laissez-Faire, The Nature of the Mercantilist Conception of Society: Freedom And Trade, Ethics And Religion, Social Causation, Contrast Between Mercantilism And Laissez-Faire, Conclusion

View Volume 2 Contents